
Coping with Corona

In the midst of worldwide hysteria, me giving my two-cents might be the last thing you want, but it could be the first thing you need (probably not, but I like to flatter myself).

Stop making it about you!

Genuinely, nothing is more irritating than hearing people complain.

We all have our priorities, some more rational than others. We are all privileged in one way or another. Most of us have some first-world problems. Keep that in mind the next time you bark about missing your friend’s birthday. “Kim, there’s people that are dying!” But no, really.

Take it seriously.

Ever heard of a sunk cost?

sunk cost: a cost that has already been incurred and which cannot be recovered to any significant degree

If you bought those plane tickets or booked that Airbnb, that is a sunk cost, my friend. Think of it this way: would you rather go on vacation and get sick and DIE or stay home, eat the cost, and live out the rest of your life (and let others live theirs)? It doesn’t matter if you’ve already paid for it, it’s over.

To people who are still going out to bars, restaurants, events, etc: please stop now! Short-term pain equals long-term gain. Also, learn a little consideration. While you might not be directly affected by the virus, I can guarantee you’re affecting someone else.

Don’t waste your time.

Social distancing is a lifestyle I already subscribe to, honestly. There are a ton of entertaining and productive things to do while you’re quarantined (like I am)! Here are a few ideas:

  1. Discover new music! Niall Horan and Lauv both released new albums recently. Make a playlist. It’s fun. Here are a few of mine:
    1. old: songs from before my time, featuring Queen, Elton John, U2, and so many others
    2. sad girl hours: for when you’re sad, tired, or j chillin’
    3. bangers only: for people like me, who only listen to rap at the gym 
  2. Lose yourself in YouTube videos. This isn’t super productive, but maybe you’ll learn a thing or two, like how to do “flawless” makeup or how to prepare porridge five ways. Or maybe you’ll watch cat videos and reminisce on being 13 and obsessed with One Direction.
  3. Clean out your room! Separate your belongings into “keep,” “donate/sell,” and “throw away.” Minimalism is ~soothing.~ Here are a few videos to get you inspired:
    1. bestdressed: closet cleanout
    2. bestdressed: capsule wardrobe
    3. Sarah Therese: minimalism series
  4. Train your brain. Do Sudoku puzzles, play board games, grab a book! I’m currently reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  5. Practice an instrument, if you have one. I have a guitar I rarely use and barely know how to play. Acquiring a new skill – or retaining an old one – never hurt anybody.
  6. Make a list of movies you want to see and watch them in random order. Build a fort and have a marathon! Now that’s a good idea.
  7. Create! Whether it’s a video montage on iMovie, or your favorite pie (sweet or savory), or a watercolor painting of various flowers and fruits, it’s cool to bring a new thing into being.
  8. Take a walk around your neighborhood. Of course, this warrants good weather, but it is almost spring. If nature isn’t your cup of tea, try indoor exercises like yoga or Zumba.
  9. Learn about yourself! Alone time is great for self-reflection. Maybe you’ll become wise.
    1. More reliable self-assessments: 16personalities and/or Truity (for my social scientists)
    2. More ~fun~ self-assessments: Wizarding World (create an account to be sorted into a house and given your Patronus), Buzzfeed, Sparknotes (for my bookworms)

And yes, I realize there are people who can’t afford to stay home and participate in social distancing. They need to work hourly to survive. They’re putting themselves at risk because they have to. Next time you feel bored, choose to feel grateful instead.

Practice de-stressing strategies.

We all have different coping mechanisms because we all have unique personalities. For instance, I like to organize and listen to music when I feel stressed. Other people like to eat comfort foods or take naps. Whatever your chosen mechanism (as long as it’s not harmful), go ahead and use it.

This is a tumultuous time for all of us. Our routines have been disrupted, some plans have been shattered, some jobs have been lost or put on pause. We need to de-stress. Turn off the news. Don’t overload. Get some fresh air. Do what you need to do.

I hope everyone stays healthy, stays hopeful, and stays home.

“There’s no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there’s no excuse for boredom, ever.”

Viggo Mortensen

PS: Donate to your local food bank, help small businesses stay afloat, and be there for those who need it the most.